Friday, November 21, 2008


I am so unbelievably excited. I have Saturday off! And Sunday. Oh, and Monday!!! 3 days... in a row! Yay!


I will no longer be working every Saturday... only every second! So it seems I have some of my life back!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ebay shmebay

Ahh, gotta love it when you bid on things on ebay without really thinking it through.

And especially when you win.

Seriously, what do I want with 20 pairs of kiddie earrings? I don't really know what I was thinking. Oh well!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

hehe, oops.

Oh dear. I guess it had to happen sooner or later... (but never would have been nice)I reversed into a gate. Sigh. I wish I didn't, but I was tired and stuff. And now Lorelei has an ugly rear. 23 hasn't started so well... but at least things will only get better from here. I have decided!

On a happy note, I received something exciting and yummy in the mail! It kinda made my day. I also played in the park with Amanda. The tyre swings were more painful than I remembered, but very fun. And, the mascara I'm wearing is freaking awesome. I was lazy and didn't take it off last night, but when I looked in the mirror at 5:30 this morning, I looked better than normal! No panda eyes at all. And, then today... I had an eye rubbing fit. And I was like oh no, I just rubbed my mascara off... but I didn't! It was still on my eyelashes, and only my eyelashes. Not even a tiny bit of black on my face! So that is a very good thing!

And yeah. Now I'm sleepy and must go... sleep. Ha! I can't wait til Saturday afternoon is here!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

heck yes!

I am sooo excited to have a whole 3 days off in a row! Since becoming full time, I have hardly had a proper day off for one reason or another... excluding Sundays of course. So it is super rad that I have 3 days away from coles! I seriously don't know what to do... and yay, one of those days is a birthday day!

The only sort of interesting thing is, Tuesday is my managers last day before she goes to Cranbourne... and the person who was going to be the new manager isn't coming for some reason. Meaning that I am left on my own until further notice. I hope that notice comes soon... coz there is heaps of stuff I've got no idea how to do. I just hope that when I go to work on Wednesday there is some news! But until then, I am going to try super hard not to think about it... and I'm gonna try even harder not to stress about it.

And back to happy thoughts !