Part One: Yahtzee baby!
Today was a mega games-ish kind of day. After Mia's birthday lunch (happy birthday Mia), I went to Fountain Gate with Danielle & Dogga who were spending their Christmas vouchers. While we were there, I bought yahtzee, as you do. On the way home we stopped in at the super clinic, where it was predicted we would be for at least an hour. So, Dogga and I decided to head up to McDonalds to play yahtzee.
It was funny enough trying to shake the dice quietly as to not disturb the other patrons who were dining in, but that was only the start of funny. It got to the last roll of the first game. The only thing that Dogga had left to score was a yahtzee. So in the first roll, he rolls 2 aces. "I'm going for a yahtzee with the ones." Says Dogga. Next roll another one shows up. Then enter me and my big mouth. "Yeah right, you're gonna get a yahtzee. You know what, I bet you will! You will so get a yahtzee." (or something like that) And what do you know! In the last roll... 2 aces!!! It was hysterically funny at the time, perhaps you had to be there. I nearly fell off my chair... good times. Big Laughs.
In the second game, a similar thing happened. On my very last turn I also scored a yahtzee! not quite as funny as the first time, but it did add to the crazyness. Then we went home...
Part 2: Killer Bunnies.
Later that night we went around to Rick and Kassie's where we played some more games. We started with taboo while Dogga read the rules of killer bunnies. That was fun. And then we spent a good hour or so learning how to play killer bunnies. Which i'm still not sure I totally understand! Anyhoo... Ellie attacked my bunny with a whisk, which meant for my bunny to survive I had to roll higher than a one. So, there was a one in twelve chance of my bunny being whisked to death. So what do you think the silly melly rolled? Yep... one! And as I was about to roll I was like here we go, I will so get a one... oh gosh!! It was hillariously funny, but even more so for Dogga and I because of the whole yahtzee with ones thing. I was sitting opposite Dogga and seriously... I have never seen such a funny reaction in all my life! I swear things went pop inside of his head. He nearly jumped out of his skin! Ok so in writing this, I guess you really just had to be there... But trust me, I laughed so much it hurt. Ahhhhh...
And seriously. You need to play killer bunnies. It's bully!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
fun fun fun yay!
I am so excited! I just bought taboo! Oh I love board games. I am starting to get a nice little collection of them now... so who is up for a games night? Anyone? Don't forget to bring your calendar. Though you should actually bring your colander...
Friday, December 07, 2007
nothing to say really... but i'm saying it anyway!
Well it sure has been a while since I've written anything here... and it's been even longer since i've written anything interesting. The fact of the matter is that there is nothing interesting going on... and therefore I felt there was no reason to write. But it has come to the point where I must write something, no matter how boring it is... or I shall never write anything again!
I went to look at the birds eggs in the backyard the other day, and I saw a birdie... i'm not sure if it was mother or child however. I was too scared to go really close due to my slight phobia of birds... you never know when they might turn on you and peck your eyes out. But I did manage to zoom to the max and get this really dodgy photo...

What else. The other day we (my bro, sis & I) went into the city to get some glamour (haha) portraits done as a present for my grandparents. It was crazy, expensive... and they didn't respect my angles, but it was fun. I shall be very interested to see how they turn out... I wasn't overly impressed with what I did see as I didn't like my face in them. But we shall see... so long as the oldies like it. At least my sister looked hot. She normally pulls retarded faces in photos... but this occasion was a rare exception. Here is a pic of me & naomi, taken later that day...

And yeah. What else. I completed my folio course thingy... So now hopefully I will be able to work towards getting into a course somewhere, maybe mid year or something. At least I know how to make a folio and deal with an interview and stuff... I just need to work on my sewing skills. And my organizational skills!
Today I went to fountain lakes and I bought my bald mother a pirate bandana. It is like so bully, but I don't think she likes it. I guess she just isn't a pirate at heart like me. Currently my brother is wearing it.
And there... I have written a few somethings, my blog is not dead! Hopefully something exciting will happen before I post next, and I shall share it here. Maybe!
I went to look at the birds eggs in the backyard the other day, and I saw a birdie... i'm not sure if it was mother or child however. I was too scared to go really close due to my slight phobia of birds... you never know when they might turn on you and peck your eyes out. But I did manage to zoom to the max and get this really dodgy photo...
What else. The other day we (my bro, sis & I) went into the city to get some glamour (haha) portraits done as a present for my grandparents. It was crazy, expensive... and they didn't respect my angles, but it was fun. I shall be very interested to see how they turn out... I wasn't overly impressed with what I did see as I didn't like my face in them. But we shall see... so long as the oldies like it. At least my sister looked hot. She normally pulls retarded faces in photos... but this occasion was a rare exception. Here is a pic of me & naomi, taken later that day...
And yeah. What else. I completed my folio course thingy... So now hopefully I will be able to work towards getting into a course somewhere, maybe mid year or something. At least I know how to make a folio and deal with an interview and stuff... I just need to work on my sewing skills. And my organizational skills!
Today I went to fountain lakes and I bought my bald mother a pirate bandana. It is like so bully, but I don't think she likes it. I guess she just isn't a pirate at heart like me. Currently my brother is wearing it.
And there... I have written a few somethings, my blog is not dead! Hopefully something exciting will happen before I post next, and I shall share it here. Maybe!
Friday, November 16, 2007
top 5
+ smarties
+ northern exposure
+ you'll love coles spring water (69 cents for 1.5 litres)
+ good sleeps
+ car jamming
+ northern exposure
+ you'll love coles spring water (69 cents for 1.5 litres)
+ good sleeps
+ car jamming
oh dear...
This week has been kinda silly. I can't believe the stupid things I have been doing...
It all started on on Tuesday when I rocked up to work at 10 to 6 in the morning. I had thought it was stocktake, and as I am unavailable on Tuesday evenings, I was going to help with dairy. I hadn't got all that much sleep the night before, but I was there... a week early. I really don't know how I got my weeks mixed up, I guess it was just a lack of a brain. Anyway, I was particulary not excited about getting up at 5am knowing that I would have a late night... and because of whatever, I was there when I didn't need to be. On my way out the door, the person who was working offered the shift to me, but I was freaking out about my lack of sleep, and went back to bed. However I did somehow agree to working at 6am the next day... after a late night. I'm not sure why...
On Wednesday, the person who was working my shift in the afternoon called in sick, and after many calls there was nobody to fill it. So I ended up working a second time that day. It really hurt.
I also had to cancel my hair appointment twice... once due to working, once due to sleeping in. Finally I made it on my third try.
Its just been one of those weeks. But I am determined to make sure the weekend is fabulous.
ps- my mum looks like yoda.
It all started on on Tuesday when I rocked up to work at 10 to 6 in the morning. I had thought it was stocktake, and as I am unavailable on Tuesday evenings, I was going to help with dairy. I hadn't got all that much sleep the night before, but I was there... a week early. I really don't know how I got my weeks mixed up, I guess it was just a lack of a brain. Anyway, I was particulary not excited about getting up at 5am knowing that I would have a late night... and because of whatever, I was there when I didn't need to be. On my way out the door, the person who was working offered the shift to me, but I was freaking out about my lack of sleep, and went back to bed. However I did somehow agree to working at 6am the next day... after a late night. I'm not sure why...
On Wednesday, the person who was working my shift in the afternoon called in sick, and after many calls there was nobody to fill it. So I ended up working a second time that day. It really hurt.
I also had to cancel my hair appointment twice... once due to working, once due to sleeping in. Finally I made it on my third try.
Its just been one of those weeks. But I am determined to make sure the weekend is fabulous.
ps- my mum looks like yoda.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
toilet paper...
All this last week, I have been really disturbed by the prints that I have found on the toilet paper. I mean sure, shells and flowers and dolphins... they are all pretty standard... but jellyfish? now that is just plain wrong. But then I noticed something even more bizarre... not only are there jellyfish on this particular toilet paper, but there are embossed roses. For this combination, I do not have words...
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
a really crap story, but i'm sharing anyway.
hehehe... at work the other day I had to try really hard not to giggle. (since then I have giggled)... A customer bought something, as customers often do... blah blah (skipping ahead)... the purchase was completed, and the customer... a he as he was... finished off by saying "Thanks girlfriend". It really was hillarious in my mind... I guess you just had to be there, and come to think of it you probably really have to be me to think its funny... so really, why am I posting this? coz I am silly. but oh well. It was one of those little moments that really made my day.
In all fairness I did say it was a crap story.
In all fairness I did say it was a crap story.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
tonsils are stupid.
Yucky, I hate being sick. On Thursday, I realised that I was going to have to go to the doctors... so I called in sick to work (which I hate doing) and made an appointment. Then that night I went to see a Ben Lee gig. I felt so dodgy, like I was wagging school or something. (However it was awesome! Ben is so my favourite... I recommend seeing him live. He is my favourite performer without a doubt). Then on Friday, I was feeling worse (probably coz I went out the night before), but I went to work anyway. It was horrible. One girl didn't show up coz her car broke down, I was the only senior on and I was unofficially left in charge, but I couldn't do spot balances or anything because there was no one else old enough to work in the service desk. It was busy too... eek. The worst thing was... it really hurts to talk, and being in the service desk you say hi, that comes to... enter your card... any extra cash?... sign the slip... here is your reciept... have a nice day... A MILLION MORE TIMES than if you were on a big register. Thankfully it was only a short shift, and I managed to survive. Then today... I woke up feeling worse still, so I called in sick again. Again I feel dodgy, but this time I promise I wont go out at night!
And that shall be the end of my blah for today. I think I will go and watch blades of glory again, love that movie!
And that shall be the end of my blah for today. I think I will go and watch blades of glory again, love that movie!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
first thing to cross off my birthday wish list...
I have a secret. I bought a tamagotchi. Apparently this makes me a loser... oh well.
The good news is I probably wont kill him because you can pause it. But all little Oreo ever seems to do is sleep anyway...
Now I just need a friend to get a tamagotchi so they can have babies. I think any chance of that happening is pretty slim however. Unless of course I make friends with a 10 year old...
The good news is I probably wont kill him because you can pause it. But all little Oreo ever seems to do is sleep anyway...
Now I just need a friend to get a tamagotchi so they can have babies. I think any chance of that happening is pretty slim however. Unless of course I make friends with a 10 year old...
2 in 2 weeks? I think...
Last night I got random breath test number two. I have come to the conclusion that police must get especially bored on Tuesdays.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A funny story...
On Friday night I went away with all of my homies from the snow. We went to Port Welshpool, but we stopped for dinner on the way in Foster. While we were eating dinner, a man came to our table selling raffle tickets. So we all bought some, as you do. Jackie and I had 3 tickets between us... I had 65, we shared 66 and Jackie had 67. Just before the raffle was drawn, the man who was selling them asked Teigan and I to help draw out the raffle. Teigan drew out all of the tickets for the meat trays. Then I drew out all of the tickets for the chickens. The first ticket I pulled out was yellow 67 D... Jackie's ticket! So she won a raw chicken. I thought it was hillarious. The raffle man complimented me on my calling skills and then I ate the rest of my dinner... and then we were on the road again.
The end.
The end.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
my (ridiculous) birthday wish list
It is now 20 something days until my birthday. (And I shall be a fun number... yay!) Even though I know I am probably too old for presents now, I suggested to my mother what she could get me for my birthday today... that is if she was planning to get me anything at all. And now I am inspired to make a birthday wish list... so here goes it.
+ An ambulance membership. (what I asked mumsy for... but i'm pretty sure she will get me a melways)
+ An all expenses paid trip to the dentist. (The next thing I asked mumsy for. I need to go to the dentist badly... but I don't want to pay for it... as in probably wont be able to pay for it. I'm sure it will be an expensive visit, I know I will need multiple fillings. Eek & Sigh...)
+ A car. (haha... yeah right)
+ A laptop. (a slightly cheaper haha... yeah right)
+ JB voucher. (yay, cd's and dvd's)
+ A tamagotchi. (don't even ask... coz I don't know why)
+ The last 3 seasons of full house (don't think they are even released yet)
+ A selection of board games. In particular... taboo, balderdash & cluedo. (coz I am a board games nerd... even if nobody wants to play with me)
+ A new bed frame. (coz mine is squeaky. I guess thats another haha... yeah right. But hey... wishes are not limited by funds)
+ A subscription to Frankie. (best magazine ever published)
+ Sewing lessons. (I really want to learn... and I need professional help!)
+ A massage. (It's all I ever want really...)
+ Season 2 of Road to Avonlea. (I'm pretty sure it is not available in Australia though)
+ Tickets to the spicks & speck-tacular. (would be so awesome)
+ Decent luggage. (I want to go places)
+ Some pretty flowers. (who wouldn't want pretty flowers on their birthday?)
+ A picnic rug. (would be handy, as it is coming into picnic season and all)
And I think that just about does it! Gosh... what a list. I don't wish for much, do I now? Oh well... its all just a bit of fun!
+ An ambulance membership. (what I asked mumsy for... but i'm pretty sure she will get me a melways)
+ An all expenses paid trip to the dentist. (The next thing I asked mumsy for. I need to go to the dentist badly... but I don't want to pay for it... as in probably wont be able to pay for it. I'm sure it will be an expensive visit, I know I will need multiple fillings. Eek & Sigh...)
+ A car. (haha... yeah right)
+ A laptop. (a slightly cheaper haha... yeah right)
+ JB voucher. (yay, cd's and dvd's)
+ A tamagotchi. (don't even ask... coz I don't know why)
+ The last 3 seasons of full house (don't think they are even released yet)
+ A selection of board games. In particular... taboo, balderdash & cluedo. (coz I am a board games nerd... even if nobody wants to play with me)
+ A new bed frame. (coz mine is squeaky. I guess thats another haha... yeah right. But hey... wishes are not limited by funds)
+ A subscription to Frankie. (best magazine ever published)
+ Sewing lessons. (I really want to learn... and I need professional help!)
+ A massage. (It's all I ever want really...)
+ Season 2 of Road to Avonlea. (I'm pretty sure it is not available in Australia though)
+ Tickets to the spicks & speck-tacular. (would be so awesome)
+ Decent luggage. (I want to go places)
+ Some pretty flowers. (who wouldn't want pretty flowers on their birthday?)
+ A picnic rug. (would be handy, as it is coming into picnic season and all)
And I think that just about does it! Gosh... what a list. I don't wish for much, do I now? Oh well... its all just a bit of fun!
In need of direction...
I am a silly driver. As in I have no idea where I am going... I simply make it up. On Tuesday night, I was trying to go to box hill tafe, but the way I had planned to go did not exist. Well, it did exist... but I couldn't get there that way. (Was trying to take a road with no exit... coz I am dumb and clearly cannot read a melways. This is because I am a melway... and who needs another!) Anyhoo, I ended up going down warrigal rd, because I knew that meant I had gone too far, as it was the way to my cousin's house... which was definately past where I needed to be. I ended up calling my mum and asking her where to go, but she didn't know because I had the melways! I kept on driving, convinced that I could 'feel my way there' a stupid technique of mine that actually works more than you'd think. I drove past thomas st... which is the road that leads to my cousin's house. So I took the next left, and hoped that I could find my way to Jemimah's to ask for directions. I missed her house like a million times, as I have only been there once before... and her road is a funny one that goes in weird shapes. Eventually I make it to her parking space, however she is not home... so I call her and next thing you know... she's home! Jem gave me the directions I needed and I was back on the road.
Finally I make it to box hill... only I am late. It was like 5 past 6 or something, and class started at 6... and I had another dilemma. Where the heck was I supposed to park? I did try and look it up before I left, but that didn't really help much coz really, I had no idea. So... I drove around for a while... up and down streets and what not. Eventually I park a million miles away at some medical centre car park... the upside was 'free parking til 6am', the downside... a big walk and I was getting later and later by the moment (funny that really). Blah blah blah... And now i'm up to the part where I find the room where the class is supposedly being held. Someone else had just got there, and they had discovered that there was nothing happening in the room. So, it was decided that perhaps class was supposed to start at 7 afterall. I personally not convinced. Sure, our room was empty, but I could here talking in the distance... words such as fashion, industry, folio and drawing were most definately being used. This made me very confused and anxious. But what did I do? I sat there for 10-15 minutes. Some people arrived for a photography class. They were waiting at my room. Then, the photography dude arrived and let them all in... to my room! Which clearly, was not my room at all... I had a mini freak and headed up the corridor... there was a room with the door open... there were people inside... it was my class... and it had been there all along! Not only was I late... but I was extra extra late coz I am such a silly head. Sigh... The tables were high and my chair was low... it made drawing very difficult. And all because I was late.
The End.
Finally I make it to box hill... only I am late. It was like 5 past 6 or something, and class started at 6... and I had another dilemma. Where the heck was I supposed to park? I did try and look it up before I left, but that didn't really help much coz really, I had no idea. So... I drove around for a while... up and down streets and what not. Eventually I park a million miles away at some medical centre car park... the upside was 'free parking til 6am', the downside... a big walk and I was getting later and later by the moment (funny that really). Blah blah blah... And now i'm up to the part where I find the room where the class is supposedly being held. Someone else had just got there, and they had discovered that there was nothing happening in the room. So, it was decided that perhaps class was supposed to start at 7 afterall. I personally not convinced. Sure, our room was empty, but I could here talking in the distance... words such as fashion, industry, folio and drawing were most definately being used. This made me very confused and anxious. But what did I do? I sat there for 10-15 minutes. Some people arrived for a photography class. They were waiting at my room. Then, the photography dude arrived and let them all in... to my room! Which clearly, was not my room at all... I had a mini freak and headed up the corridor... there was a room with the door open... there were people inside... it was my class... and it had been there all along! Not only was I late... but I was extra extra late coz I am such a silly head. Sigh... The tables were high and my chair was low... it made drawing very difficult. And all because I was late.
The End.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
again! I have hiccups... I had hiccups today at work which lasted for about 3 trolleys. It was embarassing, the customers must of thought I was loopy. And now here I am, hiccuping once again. Crazy, I seem to be getting them a lot these days... and they just come out of nowhere! Sneaky little things...
la la la
Last week I went and saw The Waifs and it was incredible. Next week I am going to see Ben Lee and I am excited. And that is my story...
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I am waiting for season 5 of full house to arrive, and I am getting impatient! I just want to watch it now!! Gosh, I love that show... why don't they make tv like that anymore, hey? Fingers & toes it comes soon! Thats the one bad thing about buying stuff from ebay... you have to wait for it to be delivered! Please mr. postman, look and see...
Tonight these things happened...
Tonight I experienced my first random breath test! Yeah... exciting. Looking back I am pretty sure I indicated the wrong way back onto the highway, crazy crazy. Then, I went through the mc drive-thru to get some mc frozen cokes... I ordered and paid for mc mediums, but they gave me mc larges. And yeah... that is my story!
Oh, how exciting life is...
Oh, how exciting life is...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
hey laser lips, you're mama was a snowblower...
hehehe, today I bought short circuit! You see, I watched it one last time before I had to take it back to the video shop, and I was so sad to depart with it that I went into leading edge, found a copy within 2 seconds and purchased it right away! It was only $14.95, and now it is mine forever!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
runners yo.
Today I bought some new runners. It was the most money I have ever spent on real runners. I have never been a runners fan before, but seeing I am walking and working out more these days I realise the importance of good runners. And these babies are good! Walking in these runners is what I imagine walking in heaven will be like. They are so squishy! Do you know what, I just realised that runners is a really funny word...
Monday, September 24, 2007
don't leave her alone with scissors...
and when I say her, I mean me!
I am constantly fighting the urge to cut at my hair... I haven't tried anything for a few months now... well, that was until today. But something came over me... and I just had to snip. Its not so bad really, it was only my fringe (I wouldn't dare cut anywhere else)... but I do look kind of kimmy gibbler-ish.
I shall never learn...
I am constantly fighting the urge to cut at my hair... I haven't tried anything for a few months now... well, that was until today. But something came over me... and I just had to snip. Its not so bad really, it was only my fringe (I wouldn't dare cut anywhere else)... but I do look kind of kimmy gibbler-ish.
I shall never learn...
Saturday, September 22, 2007
moshi moshi
Sigh. I wish that I could speak fluently in at least one other language. No real reason why... except it would be cool, and almost like a super-power. And that is all...
Number 5 is alive!
Ahh... the greatest movie ever made. I watched short circut today, and it was great. And incredibly funny. I don't even know what made me think to watch it, but yeah maybe a week ago it popped into my head. So I when I was in the video shop and I needed to get one more weekly to make it cheaper, it was an obvious choice. Seriously, it was the best movie I have watched in ages. Before today I probably hadn't seen it since I was 10 or something...
The other day I had my first ever official 'Oh crap... i've locked my keys in the car' moment. Luckily I was only in Pakenham, but I was all the way in Lakeside. But everything worked out just fine and dandy in the end. The funny thing was though, that I was in and out of the car a million times that day, and I double checked my keys every single time! Well, clearly not the last time, but that was the only time I didn't! Ha, Oh well...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
on the frey-dio uh-oh...
This morning I got called into work at 7am. And guess what song I heard in the car on the way... like the title doesn't give it away at all... yay, it was regina. And now I have been inspired to change the cd's in my car so I can always hear regina on the f-radio. All I have been listening to is the radio since I took out my cd's to put onto my ipod. But now the time has come for some new tunes. And among those shall be regina, the shins, the magic numbers, brooke fraser... and two more. perhaps angus & julia and mixed lollies can fill the last two spots. Yay, now I want to go driving!
Now to other news in mel's uneventful life...
I'm famous this week!! yay! (At least I think yay...) I am in the gazette baby! I am the take 10 girl... I have been recognized on the street already, well... ok, at my work... but whatever! Maybe later I will post the answers to my questions, if I can be bothered.
Do you know what... I have realised I am very lazy with my punctuation and stuff. Like yeah. And I only use capitals when I feel like it... Wendy, if you are reading this I am sorry! Ha, and I'm even more sorry for pointing it out... like as if you didn't notice!
And this would bring us to the end of yet another random blog.
Now to other news in mel's uneventful life...
I'm famous this week!! yay! (At least I think yay...) I am in the gazette baby! I am the take 10 girl... I have been recognized on the street already, well... ok, at my work... but whatever! Maybe later I will post the answers to my questions, if I can be bothered.
Do you know what... I have realised I am very lazy with my punctuation and stuff. Like yeah. And I only use capitals when I feel like it... Wendy, if you are reading this I am sorry! Ha, and I'm even more sorry for pointing it out... like as if you didn't notice!
And this would bring us to the end of yet another random blog.
Monday, September 17, 2007
yes I love technology...
but actually I hate it. I did resize those photos to much smaller than that... I swear... but whatever.
when you're still bored...
what to do...
Argh... I don't know what to do with my life! I just enrolled in a short course... folio building for fashion drawing and design. I figure it is better to try something instead of sitting around wondering forever... I just hope I am taking a step in the right direction. I have been interested in going to tafe to study fashion for a while, and this is the first step toward that... and if I change my mind later, thats ok. At least I tried something... yeah?
But argh. I just don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Part of me just wants to get married and move to the country to live on a farm and be a housewife and raise babies and keep house and be famous for making jams and current wine... But I know that is just a green gables kind of fantasy. I know I would be a sucky housewife. I know there is more for me than that. I just don't know what exactly. I hope that I figure it out one day...
But argh. I just don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Part of me just wants to get married and move to the country to live on a farm and be a housewife and raise babies and keep house and be famous for making jams and current wine... But I know that is just a green gables kind of fantasy. I know I would be a sucky housewife. I know there is more for me than that. I just don't know what exactly. I hope that I figure it out one day...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
brim full of asha on the 45...
What does the above title have to do with this post? Absolutely nothing. The song is simply in my head...
Hello. I haven't had a blog in a while, as I have been hiding in the snow... but I have been and gone and now i'm back. So now its blogging time!
So, where to start. I am not really sure...
So yeah, I went to the snow. It was pretty. I really loved it up there... the cold, the white... and the sound of the snow crunching beneath my feet was probably my most favourite thing. It only snowed a couple of times while I was there, but it was so beautiful. And I did manage to get myself a sound of music moment... (snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes).
In the begining it was all rather crazy busy. There was actually snow... so there were many people about... which meant lots of working. In my first full week, I worked 68 and a half hours... and then it gradually slowed down until I was no longer needed. I mostly washed dishes and made beds and cleaned bathrooms... but it was all worth it to get a good start to my lola fund. (which is what I am calling my car fund... until I actually have a car to name...)
But yeah. I can't really think of anything to say. Coz I'm boring... which is sad, but very true at this moment. I am home, so now it is back to the real world... whatever that is.
Anything else? I really don't think so.
Oooh I know... When I came home to open my mail... There was one little envelope that contained a letter telling me that I had won 15 songs from itunes. I was sure that the next thing I won would be a car... (as everything I seem to win is worth more than the last...) but I am a happy girl indeed as I shall download ben lee's new album. Yay!! I am a silly... I bought 3 cd's the other day... I could have just downloaded something!
Ok... now, the end. It was a bit of an odd blog, but I am an odd child. You get what you pay for... and this reading material is free. So there you go. Happy days to you!
Hello. I haven't had a blog in a while, as I have been hiding in the snow... but I have been and gone and now i'm back. So now its blogging time!
So, where to start. I am not really sure...
So yeah, I went to the snow. It was pretty. I really loved it up there... the cold, the white... and the sound of the snow crunching beneath my feet was probably my most favourite thing. It only snowed a couple of times while I was there, but it was so beautiful. And I did manage to get myself a sound of music moment... (snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes).
In the begining it was all rather crazy busy. There was actually snow... so there were many people about... which meant lots of working. In my first full week, I worked 68 and a half hours... and then it gradually slowed down until I was no longer needed. I mostly washed dishes and made beds and cleaned bathrooms... but it was all worth it to get a good start to my lola fund. (which is what I am calling my car fund... until I actually have a car to name...)
But yeah. I can't really think of anything to say. Coz I'm boring... which is sad, but very true at this moment. I am home, so now it is back to the real world... whatever that is.
Anything else? I really don't think so.
Oooh I know... When I came home to open my mail... There was one little envelope that contained a letter telling me that I had won 15 songs from itunes. I was sure that the next thing I won would be a car... (as everything I seem to win is worth more than the last...) but I am a happy girl indeed as I shall download ben lee's new album. Yay!! I am a silly... I bought 3 cd's the other day... I could have just downloaded something!
Ok... now, the end. It was a bit of an odd blog, but I am an odd child. You get what you pay for... and this reading material is free. So there you go. Happy days to you!
Friday, August 10, 2007
like so not procrastinating right now....
Sigh. It is officially Friday... which means tomorrow I head for the mountains. (Even though there is two sleeps in between). I have soooo much to do. You really should see me try and pack... its ridiculous. I have lists and lists... and piles and piles of clothes... and no idea of what i'm really doing. I did not inherit the gift of packing. Maybe it skips a generation...
I hope I have enough hours to get all the things done that I need to. I keep putting off all the things I don't want to do... and that is gonna bite me in the bum tomorrow I am sure. And tomorrow I have to work. Only for 4 hours... but it is in the wrong part of the day. If it was at 6 or even 10... I could get so much more done. But it is at 2. Sigh...
Really, I should be doing things right now. Actually... right now I should be doing some online training thingo for work. But I am not. Because I am naughty perhaps... oh well. I'll get it done.
I just really hope that working up at the snow is good. Well, more than good would be nice. But for now... I shall do some of those things that I should be doing now.
The end.
I hope I have enough hours to get all the things done that I need to. I keep putting off all the things I don't want to do... and that is gonna bite me in the bum tomorrow I am sure. And tomorrow I have to work. Only for 4 hours... but it is in the wrong part of the day. If it was at 6 or even 10... I could get so much more done. But it is at 2. Sigh...
Really, I should be doing things right now. Actually... right now I should be doing some online training thingo for work. But I am not. Because I am naughty perhaps... oh well. I'll get it done.
I just really hope that working up at the snow is good. Well, more than good would be nice. But for now... I shall do some of those things that I should be doing now.
The end.
who's a clever melly? I guess that would be me!
Or not... as the case may be. While shopping yesterday, I did a big whoopsie. I stood on my phone and broke it. Note to self: Do not leave phone in pocket when trying on clothes. And do not stand on phone that is in pocket while trying on clothes...
My phone, poor Rafanja... is dead. I had to buy a new one. His name is Rufus. He is exactly the same only he is a boy and the next model up. And he is black not purple. Ok so he is not exactly the same...
It was the most tradgical thing that has ever happened to me when it comes to phones... I lost all of my phone numbers and all of my games. I had fulfilled so many of my sims wants... I had bully tetris scores... And I had cluedo... but no more. But such is life it would seem. Now I just owe my mum $249...
So kids... learn a valuable lesson. Don't stand on your phone... Coz I have learned they don't like it very much.
The end.
My phone, poor Rafanja... is dead. I had to buy a new one. His name is Rufus. He is exactly the same only he is a boy and the next model up. And he is black not purple. Ok so he is not exactly the same...
It was the most tradgical thing that has ever happened to me when it comes to phones... I lost all of my phone numbers and all of my games. I had fulfilled so many of my sims wants... I had bully tetris scores... And I had cluedo... but no more. But such is life it would seem. Now I just owe my mum $249...
So kids... learn a valuable lesson. Don't stand on your phone... Coz I have learned they don't like it very much.
The end.
Monday, August 06, 2007
It's snowing little rabbit!
So, guess who is going to Mt. Baw Baw for 2 months to work at a ski lodge? MEEEEE!!!! It all happened so quickly... I applied this morning, got a call an hour later... Did some thinking... called back and forth a few times... And I shall be leaving and starting work on Saturday!! How bully is that!! I've probably only been to the snow like twice in my life, and now I will be living there for 2 months!!! I could be working anywhere from 25-50 hours per week, depending how busy it is, I will be living where I am working... doing anything and everything from cafe type stuff, waitressing etc... to cleaning rooms, doing laundry... I guess I'll find out more when I get there! So yeah. There you go. I just can't get over the crazyness!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
a few of my favourite things...
I have discovered something. That something is my new favourite time of day. And that time of day is... sunrise! Who would have thought that could even be possible. It is so rare for me to ever see the sunrise or to even be awake, though it is becoming less rare. I officially decided that it was my new favourite time when I was taking mumsy to the station the other morning. When I jumped into the car it was mostly dark, but by the time I got home it was pretty light... and the transition was just beautiful. So yes... I like it. It's perdy.
Another thing I have discovered thanks to working early is... morning people. Morning people are pleasant in the morning! Sometimes even happy... I never really knew these people existed not being one and all... but it seems they do! So pretty mornings and morning people make my being awake and existing much more bareable... in the morning.
Mornings... in particular sunrise... make me want to go to my favourite place on earth. Oh, I miss it terribly. It is my special place... its where I can truly be me... its where I can relax, reflect and recharge the best. It's my green gables, even though I did not grow up there and the gables aren't green. The house... with the carpet in the kitchen and bathrooms... the mega window that I could stare out for hours on end... the lane to walk down to the mile post and back... the other lane which leads to my favourite tree ever which I think died in a storm... the lane that continues past all the pretty ochre... that leads to the creek... my favourite body of water ever... sigh. I miss visiting Salsbury West very much. These days I can only go there in my imagination. Its not quite the same. I guess I am thinking about it so much because I am going to Bendigo on the weekend to visit my grandparents... and they used to live at my favourite place on earth. I wish they still did.
Well there you go. A few favourites. A few memories. It makes me happy.
The end.
Another thing I have discovered thanks to working early is... morning people. Morning people are pleasant in the morning! Sometimes even happy... I never really knew these people existed not being one and all... but it seems they do! So pretty mornings and morning people make my being awake and existing much more bareable... in the morning.
Mornings... in particular sunrise... make me want to go to my favourite place on earth. Oh, I miss it terribly. It is my special place... its where I can truly be me... its where I can relax, reflect and recharge the best. It's my green gables, even though I did not grow up there and the gables aren't green. The house... with the carpet in the kitchen and bathrooms... the mega window that I could stare out for hours on end... the lane to walk down to the mile post and back... the other lane which leads to my favourite tree ever which I think died in a storm... the lane that continues past all the pretty ochre... that leads to the creek... my favourite body of water ever... sigh. I miss visiting Salsbury West very much. These days I can only go there in my imagination. Its not quite the same. I guess I am thinking about it so much because I am going to Bendigo on the weekend to visit my grandparents... and they used to live at my favourite place on earth. I wish they still did.
Well there you go. A few favourites. A few memories. It makes me happy.
The end.
Maybe it is just because I got up at 5 this morning and am a little over tired, or maybe it is more than that... But I just really feel I need to cry. I'm sure that I could quite easily actually... except that I can't make noise at present.
I just have this heavy feeling on my spirit, and it is quite overwhelming. Its nothing really... just a whole bunch of nothings that have become something. Something that I can't quite decipher, but I know its there. I can't even be bothered finding it... I just wish it would go away.
Why am I complaining anyway? I'm sure everybody needs to cry over something, even if the something is actually nothing. This really makes no sense, not even to me... but I ramble to think, it's just how I am. So I am thinking out loud to nobody... it seems to be working.
I still want to cry, I still feel overwhelmed... but it will be ok. I know that now... this is not the end of my world. It's kinda silly how writing about it can make a difference, but whatever. I gave up questioning why I am how I am a while ago now... well, in some respects... this being one of those respects. (hehe)
So now I am done. I can go to sleep now...
The end.
I just have this heavy feeling on my spirit, and it is quite overwhelming. Its nothing really... just a whole bunch of nothings that have become something. Something that I can't quite decipher, but I know its there. I can't even be bothered finding it... I just wish it would go away.
Why am I complaining anyway? I'm sure everybody needs to cry over something, even if the something is actually nothing. This really makes no sense, not even to me... but I ramble to think, it's just how I am. So I am thinking out loud to nobody... it seems to be working.
I still want to cry, I still feel overwhelmed... but it will be ok. I know that now... this is not the end of my world. It's kinda silly how writing about it can make a difference, but whatever. I gave up questioning why I am how I am a while ago now... well, in some respects... this being one of those respects. (hehe)
So now I am done. I can go to sleep now...
The end.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Genie, where are you?
Oh my gosh. How hard is it to find a stupid (or not so stupid) Aladdin dvd!! I have looked in like every shop (almost) and now I have looked online. I don't want no stupid 'Aladdin AND the king or prince of thieves or whatever... I don't want no 'Jasmine is a disney princess blah blah'... And I certainly don't want no non-disney version. Even the video shops don't have it. And the few copies on ebay are more than I wish to spend right now!!
If I had three wishes right now, I would be a happy girl and I would be watching aladdin!
Ok, so that was like my third post for tonight... but I promise... I am going to sleep now.
The end.
If I had three wishes right now, I would be a happy girl and I would be watching aladdin!
Ok, so that was like my third post for tonight... but I promise... I am going to sleep now.
The end.
I heart ellipsis...
Ok, so I just posted... But it is so overwhelmingly clear that I am obsessed with '...' (That kind of looks like a little monster...) But see... I can't stop!! And I promise I am not doing it more so because I am writing about it... its just what happens naturally!
Ok... So I am really confirming my weirdness now!
The end.
Ok... So I am really confirming my weirdness now!
The end.
I just had a memory...
I have this thing. I think of memories and funny things that have happened... and I laugh. I spose you do it too, right? Well... Today when I was at work, I had a memory about something. (Another thing... I say 'I had a memory' instead of 'I remember'). I am about to share that memory with you now...
I think I thought of it coz I caught a reflection of my hair in a window or something, and a customer earlier had commented on how much they loved my hair. And I had the thought... 'Today? Ha, my hair is bad...' and then I thought its usually when I think my hair is bad that I get the most comments. But then I thought... about the memory. The funny one that is... which made me laugh. It wasn't actually that funny... but its like I just got it... at that moment. And I laughed.
( the actual memory )
So the other day, I was in a shop with my friend, and she was paying for something... I saw her licence photo, and I commented it. Then I said how my licence photo was bad because I have bum hair... (this was in front of the shop people) and she was like 'do you mean your hair was bad' (or something like that) and she said it in a funny quick way like I had made a mistake in saying what I had said... And then I was like 'no... well yes... I have bum hair...' and then I showed her the photo. And then she was like ohhhh... (Really you need to see it to get how it is bum hair, but anyhoo...)
So when I had this memory today... I realised how funny and odd it sounded that I said I had 'bum hair'. And I realised how it sounded from her perspective. So thats when the laughing happened...
But as I was laughing over my memory... a girl I work with asked me what time I was finishing... And I was laughing as I was telling her and she seemed so confused. I had to apologise and tell her that I thought of something funny, and not to worry.
Ahh gosh. So I am weird... but at least it makes my life a little more entertaining! And now from this one memory comes another for me to laugh about in the future... just as I am laughing now!
The end.
I think I thought of it coz I caught a reflection of my hair in a window or something, and a customer earlier had commented on how much they loved my hair. And I had the thought... 'Today? Ha, my hair is bad...' and then I thought its usually when I think my hair is bad that I get the most comments. But then I thought... about the memory. The funny one that is... which made me laugh. It wasn't actually that funny... but its like I just got it... at that moment. And I laughed.
( the actual memory )
So the other day, I was in a shop with my friend, and she was paying for something... I saw her licence photo, and I commented it. Then I said how my licence photo was bad because I have bum hair... (this was in front of the shop people) and she was like 'do you mean your hair was bad' (or something like that) and she said it in a funny quick way like I had made a mistake in saying what I had said... And then I was like 'no... well yes... I have bum hair...' and then I showed her the photo. And then she was like ohhhh... (Really you need to see it to get how it is bum hair, but anyhoo...)
So when I had this memory today... I realised how funny and odd it sounded that I said I had 'bum hair'. And I realised how it sounded from her perspective. So thats when the laughing happened...
But as I was laughing over my memory... a girl I work with asked me what time I was finishing... And I was laughing as I was telling her and she seemed so confused. I had to apologise and tell her that I thought of something funny, and not to worry.
Ahh gosh. So I am weird... but at least it makes my life a little more entertaining! And now from this one memory comes another for me to laugh about in the future... just as I am laughing now!
The end.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I want...
to cut my hair. Like not really cut it cut it as in get a "new" haircut... but as in I want to get the scissors and chop at it. Sigh. I have issues with chopping at my hair. Well, not real issues... but it definately takes up too much of my head space. HA! ... no pun intended. What I mean to say is that I will be trying to grow it, and then it will get to a decent length and I have this compulsion to chop... and I start all over again. I like my hair shorter... I really do. But I want it long too. Coz I am a weirdo and can't make up my mind! Anyhoo... Today, I want to chop at my hair. Particularly at my fringe. Which is my biggest weakness. I always manage to get it working fine long... then I forget and get the scissors out. I was determined to leave it grow... but I can't help myself.
It is a constant battle... And I shall fight until the end.
It is a constant battle... And I shall fight until the end.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Well, It has been a long time since I have had a good blog. Not that any in the past have been that great... but oh well. Now is the time to write... and so I shall!
Today is Saturday the 14th of July, 2007. Outside it looks sunny-ish, but it feels rather cold. A lovely winter day. I can hear an aeroplane flying in the sky, and several cars driving past a little too fast. I can also hear the microwave beeping... how lovely.
At this very moment, I am pondering all that there is to ponder. What to to wear tomorrow, what to do next week... and most importantly, what to be when I grow up. I should really hurry up and figure that one out, seeing I am pretty much almost grown up. You see, the problem is that I change my mind too often. And then I can't make up my mind at all. And then... well, I just don't know what to do! Having said that, I do have some idea what I want to be... and I have been here before. I do want to do it, but then I get scared that I will suck at it. I guess I am afraid of failing... and also afraid of not getting the chance to try. This current want has been a recurring want. I have skipped between wanting to do this and wanting to do something else. I actually tried to pursue the something else. I auditioned... I got a call back... and then, I got rejected. But it is ok... because it just simply wasn't meant to be, at least not at that time. And... I did try. But now... I don't even want to do that anymore. I'm happy that it didn't work out. But, is that just because I am scared? Because it would have been hard? I guess I can't be completely clear on that matter.
Back to the present want.
It will be hard. Many fail. I will have to work extremely hard to get up to standard to even have a chance at it. And even then... Will I be any good at it? With this one, I am almost scared of trying. But I want to anyway.
But then...
Is that what I am meant to do? Am I just being selfish... I mean, I just want to do it because I want to. It's not like its going to change the world or anything. Am I meant for bigger things? For different things? Eek. What does God want me to do. I really don't know. But at the same time... He can use anything I do. I might as well just start somewhere. Why not here? If I am not careful, I will end up doing nothing. I really don't want that to happen.
But for now... I am happy, because I have thought.
The end.
Today is Saturday the 14th of July, 2007. Outside it looks sunny-ish, but it feels rather cold. A lovely winter day. I can hear an aeroplane flying in the sky, and several cars driving past a little too fast. I can also hear the microwave beeping... how lovely.
At this very moment, I am pondering all that there is to ponder. What to to wear tomorrow, what to do next week... and most importantly, what to be when I grow up. I should really hurry up and figure that one out, seeing I am pretty much almost grown up. You see, the problem is that I change my mind too often. And then I can't make up my mind at all. And then... well, I just don't know what to do! Having said that, I do have some idea what I want to be... and I have been here before. I do want to do it, but then I get scared that I will suck at it. I guess I am afraid of failing... and also afraid of not getting the chance to try. This current want has been a recurring want. I have skipped between wanting to do this and wanting to do something else. I actually tried to pursue the something else. I auditioned... I got a call back... and then, I got rejected. But it is ok... because it just simply wasn't meant to be, at least not at that time. And... I did try. But now... I don't even want to do that anymore. I'm happy that it didn't work out. But, is that just because I am scared? Because it would have been hard? I guess I can't be completely clear on that matter.
Back to the present want.
It will be hard. Many fail. I will have to work extremely hard to get up to standard to even have a chance at it. And even then... Will I be any good at it? With this one, I am almost scared of trying. But I want to anyway.
But then...
Is that what I am meant to do? Am I just being selfish... I mean, I just want to do it because I want to. It's not like its going to change the world or anything. Am I meant for bigger things? For different things? Eek. What does God want me to do. I really don't know. But at the same time... He can use anything I do. I might as well just start somewhere. Why not here? If I am not careful, I will end up doing nothing. I really don't want that to happen.
But for now... I am happy, because I have thought.
The end.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I have just made a decision. If I were going to start collecting something, it would be vintage sunglasses. In fact, I might even start doing just that one day!
Friday, February 23, 2007
tea for you.
I drink my tea
white with one
but sometimes two
and sometimes none
sometimes black
or half & half
first half black
second half come
add some milk
but just a dash
even in the begining
more would clash
I know how I like it made
but made by me
my tea dreams fade
best made by another
drink with friends
drink with a lover
tea for one
or tea for two
in the pot
is the best brew
this is my story
of really good tea
I recommend
you drink it with me
white with one
but sometimes two
and sometimes none
sometimes black
or half & half
first half black
second half come
add some milk
but just a dash
even in the begining
more would clash
I know how I like it made
but made by me
my tea dreams fade
best made by another
drink with friends
drink with a lover
tea for one
or tea for two
in the pot
is the best brew
this is my story
of really good tea
I recommend
you drink it with me
Monday, February 19, 2007
12:03 am...
Well, its been a while since last post. Can't say i've shared so much yet... lets see.
Right now... I am waiting for my washing to finish.
Right now... I feel like watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Right now... I am drinking orange cordial.
Right now... It's awfully muggy, and I wish it would rain.
Right now... I need to sneeze, but it has been a constant thing since November.
Right now... I want a job. A good one. One that I like. One where I get paid.
Right now... I wish I was more determined.
Right now... I wish I had latest Frankie.
Right now... It's quiet and dark and my eyes are squinty.
Right now... I think i'm done.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
hello world...
I deleted my old blog... it was crap. But its a new day, in fact a new year and i'm sure it will be a fab one.
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