Thursday, November 06, 2008

hehe, oops.

Oh dear. I guess it had to happen sooner or later... (but never would have been nice)I reversed into a gate. Sigh. I wish I didn't, but I was tired and stuff. And now Lorelei has an ugly rear. 23 hasn't started so well... but at least things will only get better from here. I have decided!

On a happy note, I received something exciting and yummy in the mail! It kinda made my day. I also played in the park with Amanda. The tyre swings were more painful than I remembered, but very fun. And, the mascara I'm wearing is freaking awesome. I was lazy and didn't take it off last night, but when I looked in the mirror at 5:30 this morning, I looked better than normal! No panda eyes at all. And, then today... I had an eye rubbing fit. And I was like oh no, I just rubbed my mascara off... but I didn't! It was still on my eyelashes, and only my eyelashes. Not even a tiny bit of black on my face! So that is a very good thing!

And yeah. Now I'm sleepy and must go... sleep. Ha! I can't wait til Saturday afternoon is here!

1 comment:

benny said...

On the upside, a banged up rear looks more like it was someone else's fault than a banged up front.

You should make up some crazy story about being tailgated by a man in a bear suit, and having to brake suddenly so that you didn't hit a line of ducks, or something.