here is a picture...
Anyhoo, I have left a deposit until the finance comes through, which will hopefully be no later than friday. Oh, there is just so many papers to read and sign! Which I probably should be doing right now. But I am not. Clearly. Actually I probably should be sleeping. Do I sound tired? I think i'm writing funny. Hmm, that would actually be do I read tired? Yep, I think that confirms it. Wish I got a few hours more than I did last night... but, moving on...
So yeah, I can't wait to get my car. I only have one dilemma... and you know what they say, when life gives you dilemmas, you make... dilemmanade!
So yes, my dilemma... (dilemma is a funny word. kind of like awkward...)
What shall I name my car? You see, I've only driven it once. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl yet. If it's a boy it might be Thomas. If it's a girl, it might be Tahlula. Lulu? Hmm... Maybe it's a Tuppence. Oh no! Suggestions are welcome, on both a gender and names! I'm leaning towards boy. And Tuppence.
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