Sunday, August 31, 2008

pop goes something...

Oh dear. This afternoon I experienced my very first flat tyre.

I was driving home from a tupperware party, and I noticed a funny sound. So I pulled over to have a look. This was surely a smart thing to do. I noticed there was a bolt of some sort stuck in my back left tyre. Not a good thing... but I thought 'Oh well', and got back in and headed for home. (This was surely NOT a smart thing to do.)

Shortly after I made it on to the freeway, I thought somebody threw a rock at me, as I heard a bit of a bang of some sort. It concerned me, but on I drove. I almost made it to Berwick, when I noticed somebody was flashing at me. So over to the side we pulled... The man was like 'You have a REALLY flat tyre... I wouldn't drive on it. Do you have a spare?' My response... 'Um, I don't know! maybe I'll call my dad.' (silly melly. My boot was full of tupperware, I didn't know there was a secret compartment!) Well, calling my dad didn't prove to be so helpful. All I wanted was to be rescued! Anyway, I spoke to my mum, and if she had a car, she would have come straight away... but she didn't, coz I was in it! So, I gave Wendy a call, and arranged for her and Sarah to pick my mum up and come and find me.

I didn't like sitting on the side of the road so much, I didn't like it at all really.

Eventually, help had arrived and mumsy showed me how to change a tyre. In the almost dark. Can't say I really remember what she did... but I am going to make sure I learn properly! We had a dodgy thingo, but luckily Sarah had an un-dodgy one in her boot. And after an hour or so of side-of-the-road-not-so-fun, we were on our way home.

The end.

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