Thursday, April 24, 2008

the adventures of car sharing.

Oh, the funniest thing...

The last two mornings I drove my dad to work so that I could have the use of the car. I was actually planning to get everything done yesterday, but after I got home I decided that I needed more sleep, and as it was only 6:03am I decided to have a couple of extra hours. But, silly me... I slept in too late, and I didn't have enough time to get all of my running around things done by the time I needed to. So, I drove my dad to work, came home, slept, woke up, did things at home... and then I went and picked dad up. Ha, really silly... Anyways... Today I really really had to get those things done, so I drove my dad to work again. And yes... I did get my things done, and it meant that I didn't have to catch the bus to work which was rad. Anyways, (this is the funniest thing that I mentioned earlier...) As I was driving towards the big round-a-bout to cross the bypass in nar nar goon, I saw what I thought was a plastic bag in the middle of the road, and I decided to go round. As I got closer I realised that it wasn't a plastic bag, it was actually a chicken! It looked like it was standing there dead, or in shock. I had to double check that it even had a head... it was so bizarre! Ahh... fancy that, a chicken!

Ahh, it was so worth getting up so early! Oh, and my dad works down lovers lane! I had totally forgotten and when I saw the sign I was tres excited! So incredibly Anne-ish. Except there is nothing down lovers lane except for an emu farm and an abbatoir... not very romantic, but incredibly funny!

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