Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A silly story and a deeper thought...

Well... I am good at not posting for ages, and then when I do its boring! Ha! But I won't let that stop me from having a ramble...

So. I don't really know what there is to say actually. I feel all blocked up on the inside recently, it is quite frustrating. Let me think...

The other day I was to start work at 6am. I usually set my alarm clock for 4:44 on those days, just so I am actually up by the time I am supposed to be... which is about 5. Usually I snooze it once, then I get up. But on this particular morning, it didn't quite happen that way. I'm not quite sure if I snoozed and ignored, or if I just didn't wake up... or if I was confused. But as it turned out I didn't actually wake up until 5:44... The time I usually leave! I had a little bit of a freak out... I mean I was supposed to be opening up the front end. If I was late or didn't show... people would be angry. Anyway... I got ready in lightning speed and got myself to work. And guess what time I signed on at? 5:59! Can you believe it? Heck, I can't! From in bed to at work in 15 minutes. I must say it was some sort of miracle. When I was sleeping literally 10 seconds from were I was working it took me longer than that. Ok, so I must admit... I wasn't wearing socks, I didn't eat breakfast and I didn't clean my teeth (eew)... but I was there. And that is my story!

What else...

Yeah. Life is intense in a very nothingness kind of way. I'm sure that makes no sense at all... I get what I mean. Sort of. I just keep getting stuck thinking about things, but nothing much comes from it. I dunno... its like this. I really want change in my life, but I'm not prepared to do what is required to make it happen. It is a horrible way to live, and it is only the fault of myself. And this is something I am very aware of. Hmmm...

My internet is being a poo... what's the bet that this thing doesn't post...

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