Thursday, September 17, 2009

penguin classics.

Pretty books.

Me & Jane Eyre.
(Hello Mr. Rochester!)

Friday, September 11, 2009

pet hate.

I really REALLY dislike it when words that should be spelled with a "C" are spelled with a "K"... with the exception of Kool Fruits. "Cool" Fruits would just look lame.

Monday, September 07, 2009

last chance.

Lately, my blog has kind of died. I haven't had much to say, nothing exciting has really been happening. I have been thinking about killing it and starting over, but I think I'll give it one last chance. So this is where things change. I will try to blog at least once a week. I will try to make it interesting, no matter how boring it actually is. It would be a shame just to bury it under the old willow tree. Ok blog, I promise to try harder. Maybe we could use some colour around here. Maybe I should start using more pictures. Perhaps I will, but don't hold your breath for them. I'm sorry I've neglected you, so here's to starting over... but not completely.